Bip Bip: memories of a bar dedicated to samba

Nana Vaz de Castro
The book Bip Bip - Um Bar a Serviço da Alegria, by Marceu Vieira, Luís Pimentel e Francisco Genu is due to be released next Monday. The bar Bip Bip, in Copacabana, has been around for 32 years, and the current owner has been managing the spot for 15 years, now, assuring the maintenance of a samba/choro temple in the southern side of Rio de Janeiro. Stars like Walter Alfaiate, Miúcha, Elton Medeiros, Beth Carvalho, Henrique Cazes, Luciana Rabello, Cristina Buarque and Paulão 7 Cordas mingle with anonymous samba fans/performers in the tiny venue. The authors (two journalists and one economist, all three regulars) tell curious stories and tales concerning the bar and also deliver a "Manual" for regulars-to-be.