Compilations and CDs for Brazilian guitar bands

Silvio Essinger
The label Baratos Afins has just put out the compilation Brazilian Pebbles - Acid, Flowers and Fuzz Garage Psychedelia, featuring tracks by 15 new garage bands, mostly from São Paulo. The styles vary from surf music (Morricone, by Gasolines), 60s rock (I'm Feeling So Blue, by Skywalkers; Vitrine, by Nihilo; Sem Fim, by Supernova), psychedelia (Espelhos Quebrados, by Os Espectros; J.Jenie Junk, by Effervescing Elephant; Homem Comum Parte 2, by Velotrol Circus), progressive rock (A Terra Parou, by Makina du Tempo, from Brasília), post-punk (Flores de Plástico, by Kaleidoscope Eyes). From this group, the band Effervescing has released an album named after themselves on the label Menino Muquito Records, with songs in English. Another Brazilian guitar band who's putting out a new album with songs written in Shakespeare's language is brincando de deus , from Bahia. Their home page can be reached at