Elba and Zé Ramalho save the day (for MPB) at Rock In Rio

Cousins fire up the place with MPB and regional beats

Rodrigo Faour
ROCK CITY- 8:30 p.m. – When the first lines of Raul Seixas’ big hit Eu Nasci Há Dez Mil Anos Atrás echoed tonight from the World stage at Rock In Rio, it was proven that Zé and Elba Ramalho had the public at their command. After a rather dull Engenheiros do Hawaii set, the audience was able to recover the wasted energies with an impeccable, lively, groovy set. The so-called MPB cannot complaint about its popularity rates in terms of the response it’s been getting from the Rock In Rio crowd. Apart from Raul’s hit (a rock song), the rest of the set list featured northeastern classics only, from Luiz Gonzaga to Lenine, as well as some songs by Zé Ramalho – ok, the usual ones -, all of which everybody knew by heart.

Everything worked out. The singer’s voices match perfectly, the set list was filled with hits, the lighting and videos were very tasteful. De Volta Pro Aconchego, Avohai, Chão de Giz and Admirável Gado Novo, the latter written in the 70s, seemed pretty fresh and provided sing-along moments. But the set was also great due to the contagious presence of Elba Ramalho, whose voice, sex appeal and sense of rhythm delighted the spectators. Her Baião/Asa Branca medley really rocked. The crowd begged for an encore, but the schedule is tight at the festival. It was a brilliant moment for MPB.