Eletro Pixinguinha combines samples and choro
Nana Vaz de Castro
After having just released the acclaimed Pixinguinha de Bolso with guitarist Marcello Gonçalves, Henrique Cazes has other projects under way: Eletro Pixinhguinha XXI is being prepared with his brother, percussionist Beto Cazes, and Fernando Moura (keyboards and samplers). They are going to use electrified instruments (keyboards, cavaquinho midi, sampled percussion) and samples of original recordings by Pixinguinha, João da Bahiana and others - intending to recover the type of music that Pixinguinha attempted to make in the '20s and '30s. "He was trying to make some type of dance music with African roots, but it didn't work out", Henrique explains. Cazes and Moura have worked together on the album House Maxixe, in 1995, but they didn't get a warm reception, so Cazes won't fool himself: "The choro people will hate it", he predicts.