Funk from Rio in documentary

Febre do Funk shows the history and goes behind the scenes of the movement

Marco Antonio Barbosa
"It’s an instant chronicle of a phenomenon which, I believe, is going to be looked upon as a turning point in a hundred years: 2001, the year funk invaded Brazilian music". This is how journalist Pedro Só defines the documentary Febre do Funk, which opened on June 25th, in Rio de Janeiro. Researched by Pedro and directed by Gustavo Caldas, the film plunges into the funk universe, with interviews of the two leading producers in the genre (DJ Marlboro and Furacão 2000’s Rômulo Costa), along with hyped artists (such as MC Beth, author of Tapinha 30'' excerpts, Mr. Catra, Tati Quebra-Barraco and Chatuba de Mesquita). The film also makes a historic approach of the movement - from the early 70’s Ademir Lemos’ funk balls to its present national explosion.