Funk made in Rio scares American mag

Silvia D
The January issue of the magazine Spin brings a 7-page report named Nuthin' but a favela thing, on funk balls in Rio, written by Kevin Heldman. Heldman was terrified to witness what he describes as sheer violence, causing him to overlook the role of the music itself, which is the core of what goes on in the funk clubs.

The problem with the Spin investigation is that nobody told Kevin that violent outbursts happen as frequently at venues in the richest parts of town, usually involving jiu-jitsu fighters, and the results equal what he saw in the poorest parts of town: serious injuries and killings. These facts are largely documented on local newspapers and magazines. Not to mention the usual pogo routines during punk concerts in developed countries. The truth is, what he describes as racial or economic reactions are educational issues, and not at all triggered by social convulsion.