Jairzinho makes his way toward the world

Singer and songwriter has a track remixed by DJ Patife while his album is on heavy rotation at the Jazz FM in London

Silvio Essinger
After remixing Max de Castro's track, Pra Você Lembrar hear 30s, and turning it into a hit on Londonese dance floors, DJ Patife is interested in Jairzinho Oliveira. Patife has just remixed Grooves, Ritmos, Sons e Vinhetas (Jungle Pandeiro), a track from Jairzinho's debut album, Dis'ritmia 30'' excerpts , released last October on the label Trama. Jairzinho spoke to AllBrazilianMusic while visiting Rio. In the meantime, Patife is taking the remix (which shall be featured on the DJ's debut album) to London, where Dis'ritmia was number one on the charts of the station Jazz FM until recently. "The perception is different, abroad", the son of Jair Rodrigues believes. "While here in Brazil I'm regarded as an R&B, jazz and even rap artist, in other countries I'm regarded as someone who makes Brazilian music."

Jairzinho is aware that his album should be absorbed in a slower pace than the albums of his Trama peers - such as his sister, Luciana Mello's and Pedro Mariano's -, so he's still promoting it in shows. "Only now am I starting to get the feedback from the crowd, how people identify with some of the lyrics", he says. His compositions, though, are constantly being recorded by other artists. Some of these songs can be found on Luciana's album (Assim Que se Faz 30'' excerpts), as well as on Pedro Mariano's (Voz no Ouvido 30'' excerpts), Simoninha's (Volume 2), Patrícia Coelho's (Simples Desejo 30'' excerpts) and Wanessa Camargo's.

Despite the large amount of compositions, Jairzinho claims not to follow methods. "Sometimes I dry out, sometimes I feel very inspired. I don't know where it all comes from", he says. His musical references are varied: his dad, Djavan, Gil, Caetano, Chico Buarque, Noel Rosa, Moreira da Silva, Nelson Sargento and Nelson Cavaquinho, lots of jazz, soul music, R&B, funk and no bias. "The musicians of my generation have this in common, we look for elements from the past that will bring something new into the present".

Second album undeway
While writing songs and managing his career, Jairzinho is also a producer for other artists, having worked with his father, sister, MPB-4, Vicente Barreto, the all-girl vocal group Classe, Artistas Reunidos and Wilson Simoninha. He will soon start producing his dad's next album, scheduled for the second half of 2001. The album shouldn't feature the electronic details that appear on other Jairzinho productions. "The artist's integrity must be preserved - my dad's discs have to privilege the voice", he explains. "And he always finds his own way to inovate."

Jairzinho should release his second solo album in 2001. "Maybe it is not necessary to put out one record a year, but I intend to have a body of work, thus it is important to do so", he says. While Dis'ritmia followed a concept that Jairzinho had been crafting since 1993, when he was studying production at Berklee in Boston, the follow-up should be less concetrated on his skills, with more guests (he produced, wrote and played most of the instruments on his debut CD). Besides his partner Daniel Carlomagno, he wants to write songs with Lenine, Max de Castro, Simoninha and Ed Motta, incidentally an idol of his. "Ed had no support when he chose to make sophisticated music, based on funk, jazz and soul. When Trama came around, he was the artist that mirrored our ideas".