MPB collection on fourth edition
Rodrigo Faour
Other 12 discs are coming out on the acclaimed collection A Música Brasileira Deste Século Por Seus Autores e Intérpretes, based on the TV shows MPB Especial and Ensaio. With the recent releases, there are now 50 titles available. The new CDs feature: Ademilde Fonseca, Aracy de Almeida, Blecaute, Canhoto da Paraíba, Dick Farney, Djalma Correia, Inezita Barroso, Johnny Alf, Kleiton & Kledir, Paulo Vanzolini, Sérgio Ricardo and Zimbo Trio. Producer Pelão has good news: the project will continue, which means that, within three months, more albums will be available to MPB lovers and researchers.