Rock in Rio: Arnaldo Antunes does performatic concrete music

Rodrigo Faour
ROCK CITY, 2h10 — Arnaldo Antunes began his set at the Brazil Tent at 1:30 a.m. and did 8 of his concrete pop-rocks. He dressed up in a costume that makes him look like he’s wrapped in paper ribbons, while excerpts of his poetry were randomly displayed on the stage. Unfortunately, though, the poetry, which is the highlight of his music, couldn’t be fully appreciated in such a messy environment. After opening the set with Música para Ouvir, he did E Estamos Conversados and stage-dived, just like Jair Rodrigues had done an hour earlier. The audience spent time trying to connect to a seemingly intellectualized repertoire, since he is a cult artist who does not enjoy mainstream acceptance. Still, the audience was receptive and remained through little known songs, such as Cinzas, Fim do Dia, Judiaria, Inclassificáveis and Fora de Si.