Singer tells how she overcame the hard times

Ângela talks about how she was exploited by agents and ex-husbands, about her delicate relation with singer Dalva de Oliveira and her friendship with Cauby Peixoto

Rodrigo Faour
AllBrazilianMusic - The media always repeated that you weren't totally happy because you couldn't have children.
Ângela Maria
- That would make me so angry, it really hurt me, because it was true that I couldn't have children. And the magazines would go over it again and again. As if they knew they were pissing me off.

AllBrazilianMusic - At the same time, you got plenty of attention, then.
Ângela Maria
- They would take pictures of me every week. I liked striking a pose. And that is until today. My photographer almost passes out... he goes: "I can't stand that woman. I don't even have to tell her what to do" (laughs).

AllBrazilianMusic - Did you suffer a lot with husbands and boyfriends?
Ângela Maria
- I like talking about the past when it is beautiful, wonderful. But not that. I had the hardest times with those guys. I was mistreated, and it interfered in my profession. I was abused and cheated on. And I almost went completely broke. Daniel is the one who helped me get up on my feet. I was about to abandon everything. I even moved to São Paulo, I didn't wanna see anyone. I was on the verge of taking my own life, because I was so desperate. I asked Daniel, whom I knew was sincere and honest: "For the love of G"D, take care of my business for me and help me, cause I don't kow how to do it".

AllBrazilianMusic - And did you face a lot of prejudice because Daniel is 30 years younger than you?
Ângela Maria
- With Daniel it was worse. People wouldn't take the fact that I'm older than him too lightly. That is chauvinism. As if love couldn't happen between us... They would bet. I get so angry. People would be very nice, but behind our backs, they were placing bets that our love would end because of age. We've been together for 22 years, now.

AllBrazilianMusic - Who was really your friend in the business?
Ângela Maria
- Cauby Peixoto. We would hang out at each other's place. He was always a gentleman, a wonderful person. And his voice is the best match for mine, in Brazil. We have spiritual bonds. Other singers were colleagues.

AllBrazilianMusic - You started out imitating Dalva de Oliveira. Did you girls have any problems after you became a star?
Ângela Maria
- I knew Dalva from the radio stations. We would just say "hi", we weren't friends. I kind of rivaled her. She was scared because her career was peaking and I was just a newcomer, but very successfully stealing fans from her. Which she did not appreciate...

AllBrazilianMusic - How would you analize these 50 years?
Ângela Maria
- Good. There have been negative moments, but Daniel is my angel, my saviour. You know when you are falling? I shall never forget this, while I'm alive. He brought me back from the deepest pit... I never figured I would be helped by someone younger.

AllBrazilianMusic - Is there anything that you haven't done but would like to do?
Ângela Maria
- There's plenty of things I haven't done. One of them is to perform at the Theatro Municipal (in Rio de Janeiro)... but the doors would have to remain open for the people who couldn't, otherwise, get in there.

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